40 Days again?!

May 12, 2014


Day 1


This year, I’ve prayed for spiritual discipline however it has been quite difficult. I have attempted to do 40 days of meditation and embodiment but failed several times. This time, I do start the day after mother’s day. Yesterday was difficult because my mother passed a few years back and it feel empty to not have a mother to celebrate on such a holiday. However, during meditation and processing, I decided yesterday that I will take control of my life. There is no need for sadness or defeat because I can control that.  I’m taking on this 40 day challenge and therapy, love and compassion for myself, instead of a challenge. It shouldn’t be this difficult to make time for you but in a world were being busy means success it is quite difficult to not get caught up in the “busy” life.  I want to be busy learning my true potential and how to heal through love.

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